Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Hard a good run this morning before work did 6K in 42 minutes which is very fast for me but more than that broke my 1K PB and my 5K PB. Also more than that really enjoyed the run this morning very nice place to run and very enjoyable. Running around the streets near my house would be lucky to see 3 people on a 10K run but at the Bay I normally pass 50 to 60 people as I run around Iron Cove good motivation knowing that you are not the only person getting up at such an ungodly hour.

1K PB: 4.28
2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.09
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 6.00
Week: 9.16
Month: 31.72
Year: 347.37

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Speeding Up

Well Sunday was a good run going through the bush around near my Parents house. Was a good experience have never run in the bush before ended up doing 10K in 96 minutes was the longest I have ever run for but a good 20 minutes slower than my PB for 10K but the trails really do slow you down and there was two major hills in the run so was really happy with the time and the distance covered. Was probably one of my most enjoyable runs have started to leave the Ipod at home and just enjoy the runs.

1K PB: 5.20
2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 3.16
Week: 3.16
Month: 25.72
Year: 341.37

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wow What a 10K

Went and did the Bay Run last night and it was very enjoyable was nice weather and the run went very uneventful. I decided to leave the Ipod in the car and just enjoyed running around at my nice easy pace. Didn’t push to hard through the whole run as 10K is my long run so normally just cruse through as the focus is on distance not speed. At the end however was a little shocked when I looked at the GPS had knocked almost 5 minutes of my best 10K time was really happy with the result and am looking forward to my Sunday run so I can do it all again.

2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 10.0
Week: 16.01
Month: 20.03
Year: 335.68

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday Run

Had a good run yesterday had 10K on the program but due to time issue’s ended up doing 6K instead. So just aiming for my easy pace of 8 minute per K and ended up doing 6 in 47:59 so was right on the money so was happy with the effort.

2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 6.01
Week: 6.01
Month: 10.03
Year: 325.68