Thursday, March 22, 2007

All Good

Pebbles and I braved the dark this morning and headed out at 4:30 down the M2 from Lane Cove Road up to Sunny Holt Road and Back. Things were going great and I was maintaining a better pace today until we got to Sunny Holt Road then I had a flat tire. Luckily I had my spare Tube with me this time and managed to swap it out in less than 5 minutes. Unfortunately I failed to check the tire before putting the spare in 100 meters down the road and I had another flat and I had run out of spare tubes. Luckily Pebbles had a patch it on her so we managed to patch up the tube get it back in the tire and of we went. We had wasted a bit of time so we tried to pick up the pace a bit here ( well pebbles picked up the pace and I tried to keep up) but not meant to be and then low and behold Pebbles got a flat tire. So she waved me by as I tried to get ahead of her as she was going to change the tube and then catch up to me. Only got 5 minutes down the road and she had caught up. So the 50K which took 2 hours and 10 minutes to ride actually took 2 hours and 47 minutes to ride. Luckily we left early.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 23:47
5K PB: 29:55
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 4
Week: 4
Month: 18
Year to Date: 103
Life to Date: 488

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