Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Another Update

Well have been a very bad blogger of late so I need to update a bit.

Last Friday decided to run to my parent’s house from my place for the first time. Had no idea how long it would take or how far it would be but decided to give it a go anyway. Well took of at about 8:30 am (had the day of) and arrived just after 9:00 am only took 32:06 and was a little over 4K not my best average time but was a lot of hills and a very strong wind so was very impressed with my efforts and was happy that I didn’t stop to walk the whole way.

Sunday’s run was a bit of a rush job as had to get back to the house by 8:00am and could not make the Bay and be back in time so decided at the last minute to just do my normal loop around my house. Took of at 7:30 planning on running 30 minutes and see how I feel but ended up only doing 22 minutes as it was raining for most of the run didn’t want to risk a cold the week before my race.

This Sunday is my First race and am really nervous I know it’s only 3.8K and I know that I can do it easy but really want to come in under 24 minutes which means I would have to run faster than I ever have before. I do think it’s possible though as I always hold back a little bit on every run never had the opportunity to go out hard as I have other runs the next day and such. I should pull in under 28 minutes no problem that averaging under 7 minutes a K which I have done on a few occasions but really want to pull in under 24 would really be a good feeling so here’s hoping everything goes to plan. Unfortunately I have yet to really learn how to pace myself so I am afraid I’ll go out to hard and blow it but I did that in the C2S so hopefully this time around I can hold to the race plan.

Last Run: 2.87
Week: 2.87
Month: 17.05
Year: 219.01

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