Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It felt good to be out on the road for a run last night as I have been doing a lot of cross training lately so it had been 4 days since my last run. This is the longest I have gone without a run for over 4 months so the feet were a little itchy so headed out for an easy 4K run. Have been having a little bit of trouble with my run’s of late as my slow easy pace is 7.5kph but have been struggling running at this pace as I now seem to want to run at 8.5kph which is awesome but I seem to hit the wall at about 2.5K to 3K. Not sure if I should just push through and keep up the faster pace and just slowly increase the distance I’m running or if I should pull back and increase distance at the slower pace.

Also went for a swim on Tuesday morning and improved my time over the 300 meters finished in 7:07 so hopefully that’s a good sign. Was suppose to go for a swim this morning but decided to swap workouts so a run this afternoon and then swimming tomorrow morning.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 4.00
Week: 4.00
Month: 22.79
Year to Date: 22.79
Life to Date: 407.56

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Razor told me to tell you to give up! But my advice would be to run slower and longer, build that endurance. It's really your choice which advice you take!