Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Catch up

Well the weekend so a lot slower than the last couple as my training is starting to slow down. Did my old boxing training on Sunday for something different and was amazed at how easy it was 20 minutes skipping use to kill me but got through it well easier than I use to then 20 minutes of shadow boxing. Was a great feeling at the end and almost felt like my old fit self. Road to and from work on Monday which took longer than I thought it should but did have a lot of gear on the back of the bike plus there are a lot of hills between Revesby and Burwood. Then came this morning, my last run before the Tri and I decided that my 5K PB has stood for long enough so headed out to the bay and just decided to go for it and see how I went. There was also a little bit of theory behind this. See in races I also hold back to much and I don’t push myself had enough so I needed to remind myself of how far I can actually push myself. So set up Buddy Jnr to run 5k in 33:35 (my current PB) and set of. I felt great out there today really strong in the legs and the breathing was working so I new that a PB was possible. I decided to run the first 3K without looking to see how Buddy was going which I normally do every 5 seconds. At the 3K post I looked down expecting to see Buddy way out in front as I hadn’t felt I had gone fast enough as I was still feeling fresh was very surprised to see I was in fact 358 meters in front. So put the petal to the metal and took of for the last 2K. Powered through and crossed the line at 29:55 it’s only 5 seconds but still averaged under 6min/K was very happy with the result now BRING ON THE TRI.


1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 23:47
5K PB: 29:55
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 5
Week: 5
Month: 12
Year to Date: 97
Life to Date: 482

1 comment:

Sarah said...

great work on the PB!