Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Going Well

Wow time for some catch up firstly will finish of last week.

Last Wednesday once again ran to Weight Watches (which by the way has been going great have lost weight for 6 weeks straight) was a nice easy run but after my stupid move on Tuesday was really felling it in the legs. What followed was not good first I missed my Friday speed session as I had to drive my wife to work and then missed out in the evening as well. Then came Sunday was all ready for a run but stuff just got in the way. Was not my best weekend but didn’t end up running again until Tuesday.

Had 4K on my program on Tuesday but as I missed my Sunday run decided to do 7K instead was a awesome run in the end as I was well rested I ended up doing 7K in under 52 minutes over a 3 minute PB from my last time. Really starting to appreciate the need for a warm up it takes me about 2K to really start running well. All in all was very happy fir my run and managed to finish a lot strong then my previous 7K.

Last night I decided to do 4K had 3 on the program but was still feeling guilty about Sunday planned to do a nice easy pace of 8 minutes per K giving me a finish time of 32 minutes. Did not get out the door until 8:50 as I had a dinner on at 6:30 so didn’t have time before was a really nice time to run and luckily I had given my dinner enough time to settle in my stomach before running. Didn’t push myself at all and ending doing 4K in 28:44 was surprised at my time think it means my easy jogging pace is starting to get faster well hopefully anyway.

Last Run: 4.01
Week: 10.81
Month: 10.81
Year: 260.2


Anonymous said...

hey there john,
good to see you enjoying it still.
You will be there in no time.

Harley Warren said...

good work man that time is coming down by the sounds of if it, keep it up.