Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"The tune will come to you at last"

Please see below the latest edition to my familiy I would like everyone to say a big hello to "Buddy Junior". We went for a first run together last night and I can say that it really is love at first run. What an absolute pleasure it was to be out there with a new running partner. Really enjoyed last nights run and am looking forward to this weekend more than ever.

"When all are one and one is all"

“To be a rock and not to roll”

Well lots to catch up on. Have been having a little trouble with my new outlook on life but things are getting better.

Tuesday I had a swim and a run on the program but failed to rise early enough in the morning so missed my swim and just ended up doing the 5K run but really my heart wasn’t in it and only managed to scrap together 4.35 in 36.56 my slowest pace EVER.

Wednesday was just suppose to be a 6K run but felt bad about missing my swim so decided to do my brick training and I ended up doing a 9K ride and 2K run felt good on the bike and am really starting to notice that it’s slowly getting easier.

Thursday I missed my swim again this morning as well which was very annoying because as I was pulling into the pools car park I realised I had left my work shoes at home so had to abandon the swim as I only had time to drive all the way home shower and then drive all the way back to work not happy.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 2.00
Week: 8.35
Month: 38.34
Year to Date: 38.34
Life to Date: 423.11

Sunday, January 28, 2007

"Do or do not, the is no try" -Yoda.

I have decided to adopt the above as my new outlook on life for to long I have been telling myself “I CAN’T” in many aspects of my life so it’s time for a change. I really noticed it on Australia day as I crossed the line. My mate was really pushing me to pick up the pace for the last 300 to 400 meters of the race but I keep saying that I couldn’t or I can’t but that’s not true. I crossed the line in fine form and 5 minutes after you couldn’t even tell I’d run a race. I held back to much I know I’m still new to racing so I still need a lot more experience. So it’s now time to focus on not only getting that experience but also putting it into practice. Just like the first time I ran 20 minutes no stop I had built myself up all day continually telling myself that I can do this, result I did. So from now on I need to have a better attitude to how I attack my training and my races I need to focus I what I have accomplished so far and also what I wont to achieve in the future. I never thought I would be able to lose my excess weight but so far have lost 12 kilos and only have 17 more to go and even that is falling faster than it was 3 months ago. 7 Months ago I could even run to the end of the street but now I can comfortably complete a 10K run and well under my first time. Anyway hopefully with this new more positive outlook I will start to believe not only what I have done but also what I am yet to achieve.

3.2K Race and a Bit Extra

Well the Race is over and thank God I made the finish line that last hill just seemed to go forever.


Did the 3.2K fun run (love the name) at Menai and it was a really good day and I learnt a lot. Was a very tough course and glad for the experience. Thanks to Razor who paced me on the day was good to be out running with you again even though you were walking. Anyway things learnt on the day.

1) I can run faster than I think I can.
2) Need to love hills even more
3) Need to do longer warm up and cool downs for and event
4) Family is the best cheer squad
5) Need to work on my mental preparation a LOT more

So ended up crossing the line in 19:24 which I am looking forward to beating next year hope to see everyone else there as well.

Also on Friday afternoon my wife who has been talking about joining me for runs for the last 4 or 5 months finally decided to take the plunge. So we headed out the door at about 7:30 and went for a walk down to the local park to go for a jog. Unfortunately my wife was using brand new shoes (not known to me at the time) and had developed a blister before we even reached the park. So we just walked home and well the blister was about the size of a 50 cent piece so will be a while before we try that again.


First Brick training session and glad that I have started it as I will need a lot more training in this area. Did 10K on the bike and then straight into the run but for the first 1K my legs felt like lead and I could barely move them struggled through but still only managed 2K in 15:38. So will need a few more session’s to get my legs use to running after riding so far.

Also I have let my running slip a little bit as I have been doing a lot of other training for the Tri so we need to refocus on running in the coming weeks as I want to finish strong in the Tri in March.
1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 2.01
Week: 2.01
Month: 31.99
Year to Date: 31.99
Life to Date: 416.76

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Fish out of water even when I’m in the water

Went for another swim on Tuesday morning and did 400m in 9:17 which was a little slower than last week but I kind of felt a little better in the pool but still am a little worried as I need a good 10 to 15 seconds between each lap to rest. Hopefully things will get easier. Other than that have a race on Friday 3.2K so looking forward to that aiming to finish in under 16 minutes so hopefully that’s achievable.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bike Ride to Hell

Went for a ride Very Early Sunday morning to try and avoid the heat so got to the bay at about 6 and headed out with a mate of mine. I had 21K on the program hoping to average 3 minute per K but my mate has no sense of direction and kept going up the canal part of the 7K loop so we ended up doing 28.5K in 1:24:10 which worked out to be 2:59 per K which was right on the money. Was very happy with the effort cause even after the long ride I wasn’t that tired and I know I could of gone a lot harder as I didn’t really push myself so hopefully will be able to do the 15K on race day as close to 37.5 minutes as possible 2.5 minute K’s.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Leave the Music at Home

With last nights run decided to leave the Ipod at home and just run without looking at Buddy (Garmin) every second. Result I really enjoyed last nights run and just let my legs set the pace they where comfortable with. In the end I have discovered my basic pace is 8 minutes per K and without looking at Buddy that’s what I did 4: in 30:19 (Had a good solid burst of speed over the last 500 meters) so all in all it was a good run and without the music quite enjoyable. When I first started running I couldn’t get out the door without the Ipod but now it’s easily done which hopefully means I becoming a better runner well anyway can dream can’t I.

Swim this morning and felt good in the pool for the first time as in didn’t feel like I was drowning the whole time. Covered 400 meters in 8:54 struggled a bit at the end but was determined to finish in under the 9 minute make. So all good in the hood and looking forward to my 21K bike ride on Sunday which hopefully can be done in under 63 minutes

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 4.00
Week: 8.00
Month: 26.79
Year to Date: 26.79
Life to Date: 411.56

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It felt good to be out on the road for a run last night as I have been doing a lot of cross training lately so it had been 4 days since my last run. This is the longest I have gone without a run for over 4 months so the feet were a little itchy so headed out for an easy 4K run. Have been having a little bit of trouble with my run’s of late as my slow easy pace is 7.5kph but have been struggling running at this pace as I now seem to want to run at 8.5kph which is awesome but I seem to hit the wall at about 2.5K to 3K. Not sure if I should just push through and keep up the faster pace and just slowly increase the distance I’m running or if I should pull back and increase distance at the slower pace.

Also went for a swim on Tuesday morning and improved my time over the 300 meters finished in 7:07 so hopefully that’s a good sign. Was suppose to go for a swim this morning but decided to swap workouts so a run this afternoon and then swimming tomorrow morning.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 4.00
Week: 4.00
Month: 22.79
Year to Date: 22.79
Life to Date: 407.56

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Well in the spirit of this upcoming event I went out on the bike yesterday afternoon. Did 14.5K in 46:25 overall am happy with that effort as I didn’t go all out and it was a little easier than I remembered also lots of room for improvement so hopefully things will be better come race day. On a real plus note at the end of the ride still felt like I had something left so probably could of gone on for the 4K run but still need to take it slow as it’s only the start of my training still ten weeks to go which is more time than you think it is. After Sunday’s effort really looking forward to March am no longer concerned that I can’t finish the Tri now more concerned with finishing with a good time under my belt.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 2.4
Week: 0.00
Month: 18.79
Year to Date: 18.79
Life to Date: 403.56

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Triathlon Training

Well I couldn't put it of any longer so I jumped in the pool this morning and went for a swim. Didn't even realise that the pool just around the corner from my work is a salt water pool so it's perfect for training. Swam 300 Meters in 7:47 and was stuffed afterwards which I knew would happen but had to start somewhere. At that pace I would swim 500M in about 12:30 so would like to get that down to about 10:00 at least as it will take a little longer in the ocean than the pool but still it's offical my training has started.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Well I’m in it now have just decided to compete in a triathlon on the 18th March 2007 so From this Sunday I will have exactly 10 weeks to train before the event. I have assured that this is going to be enough as it is only a baby well compared to an Iron man event but still seems like a long bloody way to me. 500M Swim 15K Bike ride and a 4K run aiming to finish under 90 minutes but would be happy just to get across the finish line really because 8 months ago I wouldn’t off even dreamed of attempting to complete even one of the above events let alone all three together.

So after all the talk of the Tri yesterday last nights run was a bit of a disaster as I went out way to hard and completely blew my chance at a good run. Still pulled up for the 4K in 26:31 which is the second fastest I have ever run 4K so not to bard all in all but I now I can do a lot better and a lot faster.

So Swim tonight and then hills tomorrow morning am only going for 300M in the pool tonight as I have not swam for a very long time and not sure if I could make the distance have never been a fast swimmer but am or was a very strong swimmer.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 4.01
Week: 9.02
Month: 16.39
Year to Date: 16.39
Life to Date: 401.16

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Not the Start I Would have Liked

So far this year my running has not really been that great I finished last year with a great PB and was really looking forward to getting into some serious training but have been unable to motivate myself enough to really push myself have barely been able to get out and train. Hard 23K on my program last week only managed 7K for the week very sad. On a bright note managed to get out of bed this morning at a good hour and went for my Sunday run this morning had 7K on the program but only managed 7K so will need to add those 2K too my Wednesday morning run which as it is my speed session that could be a problem but I refuse to cut any more of my runs short I really need to stick to my program otherwise how will I ever finish the half in September.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 5.01
Week: 5.01
Month: 12.38
Year to Date: 12.38
Life to Date: 397.15

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

PB for the New Year

Well my first run of the new year and it was a good feeling to get out there haven’t run since Sunday which for me is a long time between runs. Had a fast 5K on the program which basically means 7 minute pace not the normal 8 for my long runs but as I crossed the 4K mark decided to just pelt the last K and see where I ended up. Managed to finish the 5 in 33:35 which is almost a 2 minute PB so have been feeling good all day.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 5.01
Week: 5.01
Month: 5.01
Year to Date: 5.01
Life to Date: 389.78

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Reflection on 06

Well since everyone else is doing it I think I better post some goals for 2007. But first achievements for 2006 since starting running in May;

Lost 10 Kilo’s (15 to go but still feeling great)

Race Debut 3.8K Bridge run in September (25:55) was aiming for 24 minutes but as my first race made practically every mistake I could

Walked the C2S in 124:50 and came 30074th

Ran a K in under 5 minutes (4:28 to be exact)

Ran 7K in under 49 Minutes (Managed this on the 31 12 2006 but hey still part of 06)

Ran 10K non stop (PB 76:37 – first 10k was 81:13)

Looking back at some of those it’s really starting to sink in how much I have improved over the 7 months I have been running. My first day out I went with my mate and we run for 1 minute and walked to 3 for a total of 20 minutes. The last 1 minute run and had to crawl most of the way as I could barely moved my feet. But now I can comfortably run 10K without to much trouble. Also I ran 384.77K last year that’s scary but what’s even worse is that I’m planning on more than doubling that figure in 07.

Hopes and Dreams for 07

Sub 60 10K (Really think I will crack this soon if I had of keep my 7K PB pace I would I finish in 70 minutes so only need to knock 1 minute of per K so hopefully should crack this one before March.

Sub 70 C2S not sure if this is possible but hey why not aim for the sky.

First Half Marathon Really want to get under 2 hours but at current speed it would take 2 hours and 48 minutes so lots of work needs to be done.

Take up swimming everyone keeps telling me this is great cross training and also very good for weight loss so hopefully will be able to get into this.
Stay healthy and injury free as have really enjoyed the last 7 months and really starting to develop the runner’s itchy feet. Just can’t seem to sit still. It’s now 3rd of January and I have yet to run this year and it’s driving me crazy.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Last Post of the Year

Wow has been a while since I have posted anything so will just close out 2006 with my final stats for the year. Managed to get a few new PB’S just before the end of the year so am really excited about 2007 and looking forward to the C2S in August and my first Half in September.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 34.09
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run in 2006: 7.01
Last Week in 2006: 7.01
Last Month of 2006: 69.12
Year to Date: 384.77

Damn looking at the calendar on my desk and there is only 31 weeks til the C2S and 37 Weeks til the Sydney Half better get running.