Sunday, December 10, 2006

Speeding Up

Well Sunday was a good run going through the bush around near my Parents house. Was a good experience have never run in the bush before ended up doing 10K in 96 minutes was the longest I have ever run for but a good 20 minutes slower than my PB for 10K but the trails really do slow you down and there was two major hills in the run so was really happy with the time and the distance covered. Was probably one of my most enjoyable runs have started to leave the Ipod at home and just enjoy the runs.

1K PB: 5.20
2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 3.16
Week: 3.16
Month: 25.72
Year: 341.37

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