Sunday, February 04, 2007

“How everything still turns to gold”

Well Fridays run didn’t go according to plain firstly my wife who was suppose to join me for a run once again decided that sleep was more important and refused to get out of bed (mind you this is at 5:30 in the afternoon). So decided to run over to my parent’s house and as I wanted to attempt a new PB for 5K I had been pumping myself up all day telling myself over and over that I CAN do this. So set Buddy Junior to run 5K in 30 minutes and took of after my warm up. 1.66K into the run everything went wrong I was going really well I was going strong was 52 meters in front of Buddy and then came the pot hole. Down I went and man did it hurt at the time I thought I had done ligiment damage to my right ankle but upon later investigation in turned out to just be a slight sprain so decided to stay of it for a couple of days and not exercise. Easier said than done because by 5pm on Saturday I was busting to get out for a run but my Wife talked me out of it saying it’s better to be careful. So have been very bored the last couple of days but am pumped for with afternoon as I am going for a easy 5K jog just to test the leg out and see how it goes hopefully all is well and then it’s back into the training.

1K PB: 4.28
4K PB: 25:28
5K PB: 33:35 (STILL)
7K PB: 48:54
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 1.66
Week: 1.66
Month: 1.66
Year to Date: 40.00
Life to Date: 425

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