Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Hard a good run this morning before work did 6K in 42 minutes which is very fast for me but more than that broke my 1K PB and my 5K PB. Also more than that really enjoyed the run this morning very nice place to run and very enjoyable. Running around the streets near my house would be lucky to see 3 people on a 10K run but at the Bay I normally pass 50 to 60 people as I run around Iron Cove good motivation knowing that you are not the only person getting up at such an ungodly hour.

1K PB: 4.28
2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.09
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 6.00
Week: 9.16
Month: 31.72
Year: 347.37

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Speeding Up

Well Sunday was a good run going through the bush around near my Parents house. Was a good experience have never run in the bush before ended up doing 10K in 96 minutes was the longest I have ever run for but a good 20 minutes slower than my PB for 10K but the trails really do slow you down and there was two major hills in the run so was really happy with the time and the distance covered. Was probably one of my most enjoyable runs have started to leave the Ipod at home and just enjoy the runs.

1K PB: 5.20
2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 3.16
Week: 3.16
Month: 25.72
Year: 341.37

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wow What a 10K

Went and did the Bay Run last night and it was very enjoyable was nice weather and the run went very uneventful. I decided to leave the Ipod in the car and just enjoyed running around at my nice easy pace. Didn’t push to hard through the whole run as 10K is my long run so normally just cruse through as the focus is on distance not speed. At the end however was a little shocked when I looked at the GPS had knocked almost 5 minutes of my best 10K time was really happy with the result and am looking forward to my Sunday run so I can do it all again.

2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 76:37

Last Run: 10.0
Week: 16.01
Month: 20.03
Year: 335.68

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday Run

Had a good run yesterday had 10K on the program but due to time issue’s ended up doing 6K instead. So just aiming for my easy pace of 8 minute per K and ended up doing 6 in 47:59 so was right on the money so was happy with the effort.

2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 6.01
Week: 6.01
Month: 10.03
Year: 325.68

Thursday, November 30, 2006

We Will Have to See

Hmm starting to lose hope for the race am not worried about quitting running have kept it up to long to worry about that but am just not improving fast enough less than 8 weeks to the race and Ray is running twice as far and twice as fast as me and I just don’t have any time left to improve.

2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 27:56
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 4.02
Week: 10.04
Month: 4.02
Year: 319.67

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Good Run

Man had a really nice run last night was a good strong pace and the whole 4K felt really easy but beyond that the clouds were out and the wind was blowing was a awesome feeling being out there running in weather that 6 months ago would have had me on the lounge eating hot chips with gravy. Still just can’t get over the difference in my attitude from then to now. Linda said as I was walking out the door last night “isn’t it a little cold to go for a run?” my reply was “Probably but I’m going anyway”. Now as I can finally start to feel the last six months starting to come together I can see how certain things are just becoming easier to do it’s all good.

2K PB: 12.04
4K PB: 28:45
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 4.01
Week: 6.02
Month: 25.90
Year: 315.65

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Stupid 19/11/2006

Well once again I did the stupid thing yesterday was going for a 10K run and was looking to beat my PB (which is also the time I logged the first time and ran the distance I have yet to beat it). Left the house just after 4:30pm in the afternoon by 2K in I new something was really wrong did not feel like I should of and it ways really starting to hurt in my chest. I tried to push through it but by the 4K mark I was gone could barely put one foot in front of the other and was really light headed and confused about were I was I have never felt anything like it. Was trying to find my phone and then realised that since I wanted to travel light I hadn’t packed my mobile also as I wanted to not carry a backpack I didn’t have any water with me. That’s when I realised that I was just really dehydrated. Invaded the first front yard I found with a water tap and managed to get a little water down my throat even still I had to walk the rest of the way home. Got home and felt really stupid as I have already been through this lesion about 3 times and I should really be past it but hey can’t win them all. So drank about 4 litres of water last night and started to feel a little better.

Good Run 24/11/2006

Went for a 5K run this afternoon and it was probably my best run this month not sure what’s happened this month but have really lacked motivation. Can feel myself starting to slip a little but the run today has put me back on track. Was a good strong run I finished well with more left in the tank which is a good feeling as I am normally buggered after a long run.

Speed 27//11/2006

Got up this morning as I missed my long run yesterday and decided to do a quick couple of K’s as I didn’t have time for my 10K run will need to do that tomorrow. Things went well and was happy with my time of 13:58 for 2K it was a little slower than my PB but maintained a better speed throughout the whole 2K when I normally go hard and then slow in my 2K run’s.

2K: 12.04
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 2.01
Week: 2.01
Month: 21.89
Year: 311.64

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Getting Speed

Finally starting to feel like I am getting some speed into my runs went out of Tuesday night and had a 1K warm up then ran 2K as fast as I could plus a 1K cool down. Felt really strong as I did the 2K but was still buggered at the end so finally starting to push myself hard which is a good thing as only 11.5 weeks to go.

2K: 12.04
5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 2.0
Week: 7.41
Month: 7.41
Year: 297.16

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Your last run is not always your best

Your last run is not always your best

Man did I prove this theory on the weekend went out for my run on Sunday first run of the new program and I was really looking forward to a good long hard run had left a bit down the whole weekend and was looking like improving my 10K PB. Unfortunately it was just not meant to be I headed out at 2:30 and there was a lot of wind and rain around but spirits were high. About 2K in I new something was wrong had done it in over 17 minutes and was way behind my normal time felt really hot and dry even though it was raining only realised after another K or so that I hadn’t drunk anything all day felt like a right idiot after that realised I was really dehydrated and things weren’t looking good as I was starting to get really light headed. Decided to cut it short and pulled up at my parent’s house 5.41 K later in at 44:38 but feeling really stupid and very tired. But all in all a good lesion to listen to your body and if it tells you something is wrong LISTEN. Felt better after I drank about 2 litres of water over about an hour so all in all pretty dumb but not the end of the world. Looking forward to my next run on Tuesday as I am starting my exciting speed work program and it looks exciting.

5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 5.41
Week: 5.41
Month: 5.41
Year: 295.16

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Well coming down to crunch time 12 weeks till the big race and it’s time to do some serious speed training. Went out last night and did a 1K warm up and then attempted to run 2K in under 12 minutes pulled up at the end and had run 2.12 in 13:08 so all in all not to bad for my first attempt and putting some speed into these legs of mine. Averaged of 6:11 a K my fastest time so far and left good in the 1K cool down was buggered but still felt I had a little left which was a good feeling. Really starting to enjoy the challenge of the training was a little down last week with the whole running alone but things are starting to pick up again so hopefully am in for another good period of strong happy running.

5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 2.12
Week: 9.82
Month: 40.36
Year: 289.75

Top Run

Ran to my Parents house yesterday was suppose to be a 10K run but as it is only 4K to my parents house tried to run the long way around but I still got there in 6K. Ran around the streets near my parent’s house for a bit but got bored so decided to end it at 8K. Really starting to struggle to find longer run routes if I’m running from point A to B I find it really easy to complete the run but if running in a circle I find it really hard. I find it difficult to retrace my steps I think I might need to get in the car and do a few drives around the area and try and find so good long distance runs. Other than that I felt good and strong in the run and am really starting to notice that it’s getting easier to complete the runs and I’m not as tired as I was so will need to lift the intensity of the runs got to push those thresholds. Ran 7.7K in 59:09 and finished with a 500 meter sprint my longest so far.

5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 7.70
Week: 7.70
Month: 38.24
Year: 287.63

Sunday, October 22, 2006


10K will I have done it and let me tell you it feels amazing well now anyway. Really didn’t feel that good just after the run but have been on happy ever since and really my legs don’t hurt today so must be doing something right. Haven’t blogged for a while have been doing my assignment for my course so have let a few runs slip by without a blog but think I will just have to leave it of as I can’t remember what I missed out on. Having trouble thinking past the fact that I ran 10K last night finished in 81 minutes and 13 seconds, just over 8 minutes a K but still very happy and looking forward to beating that time next Sunday. Only 14 weeks till my race with Ray so I have one of my friends from Church who is a personnel trainer writing me a program for the 12 weeks before the race the focus will be on speed as I have been building a base for the past 5 months but it is now time to get some speed into these legs of mine.

5K PB: 34.49
10K PB: 1.21.13

Last Run: 10.00
Week: 10.00
Month: 27.82
Year: 277.21

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Going Well

Wow time for some catch up firstly will finish of last week.

Last Wednesday once again ran to Weight Watches (which by the way has been going great have lost weight for 6 weeks straight) was a nice easy run but after my stupid move on Tuesday was really felling it in the legs. What followed was not good first I missed my Friday speed session as I had to drive my wife to work and then missed out in the evening as well. Then came Sunday was all ready for a run but stuff just got in the way. Was not my best weekend but didn’t end up running again until Tuesday.

Had 4K on my program on Tuesday but as I missed my Sunday run decided to do 7K instead was a awesome run in the end as I was well rested I ended up doing 7K in under 52 minutes over a 3 minute PB from my last time. Really starting to appreciate the need for a warm up it takes me about 2K to really start running well. All in all was very happy fir my run and managed to finish a lot strong then my previous 7K.

Last night I decided to do 4K had 3 on the program but was still feeling guilty about Sunday planned to do a nice easy pace of 8 minutes per K giving me a finish time of 32 minutes. Did not get out the door until 8:50 as I had a dinner on at 6:30 so didn’t have time before was a really nice time to run and luckily I had given my dinner enough time to settle in my stomach before running. Didn’t push myself at all and ending doing 4K in 28:44 was surprised at my time think it means my easy jogging pace is starting to get faster well hopefully anyway.

Last Run: 4.01
Week: 10.81
Month: 10.81
Year: 260.2

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Some Times you just have to say STUFF it.

Well that’s what I did last night and still can’t decide if it was a good idea or a bad. First of all it was just not a good day to go running we had our friends that have been living in London for the past two years come over. Which was awesome but ended with me running out the door after 8:30 also for the first time I ate before I did my run which I can tell you is a bad idea. I had an easy 4K on the program but decided to say stuff it and went out hard. After 2K I could feel the food rolling around in my stomach and just decided not push to make myself sick and just walked the last 2K home. In the end though I had done 2.15K in 14 minutes 4 seconds was really happy with that time as the pace was 6:31 per K which for me is Flying so here’s hoping that finally I’m starting to get some speed into my legs.

Last Run: 2.15
Week: 9.16
Month: 44.53
Year: 246.49

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Well Missed my Early morning run with my mate on Sunday morning as I had to drive up the coast and back so didn’t get home until about 5:30. So I had to do my long run in the hot dry wind yesterday afternoon. Was also really tired from driving all day so was not feeling that good at all. Left the house at about 6:15 as I fluffed around a lot trying to work out an excuse so I wouldn’t have to run luckily I couldn’t come up with anything. Once again just stuck to what seems to be my idle jogging pace of 8 minutes per K. I managed to maintain this pace through the whole 7K and even managed a small sprint at the end although my legs really were sore from the 6,8K before the last 200 meters. Finished in 5 minutes and 20 seconds just under 8 minutes per K. Was so happy but was a little silly I normally don’t run with any water on me as am usually only going for 20 to 30 minutes so don’t really need it. Yesterday though ran for almost an hour and the hot dry wind didn’t help so was very dehydrated when I got home so did the smart thing and drank about 2 litres of water over about 2 hours to get my fluids back up.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Interval Training

Well had my first speed session this morning did 5 x 1 minute reps with an active recovery of 2 minutes. With a 5 minute warm up and cool down. Was interesting did the first rep only slightly faster than what I would normally run. And tried to increase the speed every rep. Coming into the last rep I was starting to get a little tired but I was pumped by how well I was doing I was really surprised with how fast I can now run. The last rep I just sprinted as hard as I could as managed to keep it up for about 40 seconds before I had to pull back just a little but still managed to run the last 20 seconds. All in all it was my self time and trying to maintain a faster pace so I am happy with how it went. But there is a lot of room for improvement but I’m happy to put in the work.

Last Run: 2.56
Week: 15.42
Month: 35.37
Year: 237.33

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Awesome Five K

Wow what a run last night went out at about 7pm as it was very hot yesterday and wanted to give it time to cool down. Ran to my parent’s house again but took a different route. Decided last night that I would start to get more serious about my training up until now I have just been walking out the door and running for as long as I can and then walking the rest of the way home. Have had a rough idea of how long or how far I wanted to go but nothing really concrete about how far in what time always focused on one or the other. So last night I set myself a goal to run to my parent’s house at 8 minute per K pace. Well headed out the door and set my count down timer to 8 minutes and started the run. Once the first K was over I found it really easy to maintain this pace and managed the run in 44 minutes the distance was a little over 5.3K so I ended up averaging 8:10 per K which I was very happy with as this is the first time I have tried to pace myself. So now all that’s left for the week is my interval training on Friday morning I have tried to do this a few times and have always pulled out at the last minute and just gone for a run instead but it’s time to get serious only 127 days to go to the race with my mate and I want to at least be competitive if not win so hopefully I can lift the intensity of my training.

Last Run: 5.36
Week: 12.86
Month: 32.81
Year: 234.77

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Not a Fun Run

Well last nights run was interesting planned to run 4K at 8 minute pace just to ease back into running after my race. Headed out and everything was going well til the 2K mark then my Ipod case which wraps around my waste broke. I was very annoyed as I have had it for about 3 years but have only just started to use it when I started running. Was so annoyed I threw it away not my best moment as I normally don’t litter but was so mad. About 500 meters down the road I realised that not only do I keep my Ipod in the case which I now had to carry but I also store my house keys in there as well. So went flying back down the street by this time it was really dark so it took about 10 minutes to find the bag get my keys out and then I still had to run home. Decided to then take the short cut home as I had had enough. Did 3.7 in 27 minutes but that didn’t include me running the 500 meters back don’t know why but I shut the garmin down so had to turn it back on once I found the keys. Anyway was not my most enjoyable run and now have to try and find something else to carry my Ipod around in.

Last Run: 3.7
Week: 7.5
Month: 27.45
Year: 229.41

Monday, September 18, 2006

My First Race

Well it’s over and what a day missed my train to the city and the next one wasn’t for half an hour so got to Milson’s Point Station at 7:20 (Race started at 7:30). So only just had time to run down and under the harbour bridge and then the gun went of. Ran straight past the line and was so focused I ran straight past Megan Gale who was there to start the races. Had ten thousand people in front of me at the start of the race so it took a little about a 1K in get through most of them so didn’t really hit my stride until the 1.5K mark. Also getting there late didn’t have time for a warm up but it’s all a learning experience all in all I am happy with my performance I ran it in 26 minutes which is only 2 minutes behind the time I wanted to do and considering my start I have to be happy with it. Also I ran the whole way so that was encouraging. The only really bad part of the day I feel was that I probably went a little to easy on myself and it was finished before I realised not knowing the course outline that well I failed to pick up the pace at the end to give me a better time but all in all was a great day and nice to be out running rather than sleeping in like I would normally do. Stayed around for a bit and watched the end of the Marathon damn those guys can run unbelievable how fresh they look after 42K. The winner missed the start and didn’t start running until 5 minutes after the gun went of and he still managed to be about 2 minutes in front of 2nd place crazy.

Last Run: 3.8
Week: 3.8
Month: 23.75
Year: 225.71

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Last Run Before My Race

Ran to Weight Watches again on Wednesday night took a different route this time around. Wanted to take it a bit easy but that hasn’t been working of late and Wednesday was no exception. Ran 3K in 20 minutes which is pretty close to my hopeful race pace on Sunday but came out of it feeling great so I’m ready for my first race and hopefully everything goes to plan.

Last Run: 2.9
Week: 5.77
Month: 19.95
Year: 211.91

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Another Update

Well have been a very bad blogger of late so I need to update a bit.

Last Friday decided to run to my parent’s house from my place for the first time. Had no idea how long it would take or how far it would be but decided to give it a go anyway. Well took of at about 8:30 am (had the day of) and arrived just after 9:00 am only took 32:06 and was a little over 4K not my best average time but was a lot of hills and a very strong wind so was very impressed with my efforts and was happy that I didn’t stop to walk the whole way.

Sunday’s run was a bit of a rush job as had to get back to the house by 8:00am and could not make the Bay and be back in time so decided at the last minute to just do my normal loop around my house. Took of at 7:30 planning on running 30 minutes and see how I feel but ended up only doing 22 minutes as it was raining for most of the run didn’t want to risk a cold the week before my race.

This Sunday is my First race and am really nervous I know it’s only 3.8K and I know that I can do it easy but really want to come in under 24 minutes which means I would have to run faster than I ever have before. I do think it’s possible though as I always hold back a little bit on every run never had the opportunity to go out hard as I have other runs the next day and such. I should pull in under 28 minutes no problem that averaging under 7 minutes a K which I have done on a few occasions but really want to pull in under 24 would really be a good feeling so here’s hoping everything goes to plan. Unfortunately I have yet to really learn how to pace myself so I am afraid I’ll go out to hard and blow it but I did that in the C2S so hopefully this time around I can hold to the race plan.

Last Run: 2.87
Week: 2.87
Month: 17.05
Year: 219.01

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bad Run

Had a bad run last night not sure what happened have been doing so well of late and have been feeling strong. Last night was completely different really didn’t feel like going but forced myself out the door which is the first time in ages that I have had to do it. Normally though once into there run I feel great but don’t know just didn’t feel right the whole time I was out there. Never got into my ritham which kind of spoiled the whole thing. Then this morning woke up feeling like crap so I think I might be coming down with a bug which is not great as I have my dabue race next weekend. So hopefully everything is better by then. Also am going away for the weekend and not sure if I will be able to run which is scaring me a little as I don’t want to miss this Sunday’s long run so hope I will be able to find the time.

Last Run: 2.44
Week: 7.44
Month: 10.09
Year: 212.05

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Week of First’s

Will do two blogs today to catch up with all the news firstly my run Last Friday was very cool. Focused on speed for the first time since started running and was really surprised with how fast I can know run. Normally just plod along at a nice easy pace not pushing myself to hard. On Friday set my timer for 6 minutes and planned to run 1K in the 6 minutes pulled up at 900 meters but was still feeling strong so took of again and managed 800 meters in the next 6 minutes before I had to slow down.

Managed 2.65K in 20 minutes the further I have ever run in 20 minutes. Felt great on Saturday was not sore at all and was really looking forward to my Sunday run.

Sunday morning got up at 5:30 in the morning and picked my mate up on the way to do the Bay Run 5K. I did it last week in 35:50 and was looking to better that run. We started running just on 6:30am and it was a really nice time to run the sun had been up for about 20 minutes so it wasn’t to hot yet. We headed out and I felt great really starting to enjoy my runs more than every before. Before I knew it we had crossed half way and I was still feeling strong. We had a plan to try to keep to 7 minutes K’s then pick up the pace for the last K. Ran under the bridge and crossed the 4K mark and then picked up the pace this is where I really struggle the last K but managed to cross the line strong (also managed to run past the line not just to it and Ray kept prompting me). Crossed in 34:49 a 1 minute PB left unreal didn’t even care that I couldn’t breathe who needs to breathe anyway. So the First’s

First 5K under 35 minutes.
First run in which I averaged under 7 minutes a K (6:57)
First K I have run under 6 minutes (Last K on Sunday 5:58)
First 100K clocked on my running shoes (101.9 total)

All in all I have had a great weekend and am feeling really confident for the run on the 17th September really want to crack the 24 minute barrier but would be happy with under 25.

Last Run: 5.0
Week: 7.65
Month: 7.65
Year: 209.61

Thursday, August 31, 2006

On Top

Had a great run on Wednesday night was the first time I have run two days in a row since I started and have been really worried about it all week I was fine nothing to worry about. Came away fine from it this was also the first time I was running to somewhere normally only do a loop around my house but actually ran down to Weight Watches kind of stuff it a little to. I have never run there so was not sure how long it was going to take. The way I went takes over 30 minutes to walk but only took 15 to run there it was a little shorter than the 20 minutes I had on the program but still was enjoyable. Really feel like I am starting to get somewhere all I need to do now is drop a few more kilos in the next 2 weeks. I have my next race on the 17th September 3.8K and I want to do it in under 24 minutes at the moment at my easy pace it would take about 28 minutes so hopefully on the day I can go a little harder and pull in around 24 minutes. Dropping a few kilos would really help that and it would make running easier all around. So really need to focus for the next few months on losing a few kilos (22 to be exact) will make it a lot easier come race day on the 26th January 2007.

Last Run: 1.92
Week: 9.32
Month: 47.08
Year: 201.96

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

After 5K

Went out the door at 5:45 last night and it ended up being a really good run was a little sore in the legs from my 5K on Sunday but soon found myself in the zone and finished up doing 2.38K in 20 minutes which pretty much my average run time and distance these days hopefully my speed will start to pick up soon. All in all I am happy with were I am at at the moment have been sticking to my schedule really well and hopefully come Sunday I’ll be up for a good long run and hopefully might do 5K in a little less time than t=last week.

Last Run 2.38
Week: 7.4
Month: 45.16
Year: 200.04

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Five K

The Struggles are over I am back in action and ready to run. I did my first 5K on Sunday and know feel like I am actually a runner but first better catch up.

I missed my run on Wednesday last week so was felling really bad and guilty and then went to the movies on Friday night after work so didn’t get home until 8:30 but forced myself to go out the door as I didn’t want to fell guilty for another two days did 2.5K in 20 minutes but felt flat through the whole thing plus also had to stop half way through again as I’d once again tired my shoelaces to tight and my feet were going blue.

So I turned up to my mates place on Sunday morning really not felling that good at all and was not very confident. We drove over to Drummoyne to do the Bay run and started out before I could talk myself out of it. I find it so much easier to run with someone than by myself Ray talked me through the last 1K and we had crossed the line before I realised looked at my watch and couldn’t believe it 35:40 average 7 minutes and 8 seconds a K much faster than I have ever run before and longer than I have ever run before could not believe it and didn’t really feel that tired so was a little bummed as I probably could of gone harder. But it is all a learning curve so next week I’ll be ready to go a little harder and hopefully knock of a bit of my time.

Last Run 5.02
Week: 5.02
Month: 42.78
Year: 197.66

Sunday, August 20, 2006


My run on Sunday was another struggle since C2S I have really found it hard to get out there and run. And since my running buddy had to cancel on me on Sunday morning decided to sleep in even though I new that I probably wouldn’t have time in the afternoon. Got home around 5 which wasn’t too late and fluffed around a bit before I finally got out the door at around 5:30 covered 2.37K in 20 minutes. Only had to stop to walk twice which was a big improvement on my last run but still a long way from where I was before the race. Can’t believe its taking me this long to recover but as it was my first race I have nothing to compare it to. Anyway this week I’m now into my race prep for the 3.8K on the 17th September I don’t feel that 30 minutes is to much to ask just as long as I stick to my schedule over the next couple of weeks. Would also like to drop a few kilos between now and then so hopefully my weight will start to move. I was looking at my legs last night and already I have lost most of the fat of them in only 13 weeks. Hope I can lose some more around the middle section now.

Last Run 2.37Week: 2.37Month: 35.27Year: 190.16

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Last nights run was very hard my first after C2S and was very hard to get out the door. Also once I got started things went from bad to worse my legs had stopped hurting when I walked but once I started to jog they really started to sting. So kind of half ran half jogged for about 15 minutes and then kind of crawled the last 5 minutes. Did not think it would take this long to recover hopefully my run on Sunday with Ray will be a lot more enjoyable as I can already feel myself starting to slip with the focus. Need to remind myself that my next race is only 4 weeks away come on 17 07 2006 looking forward to doing 3.8K really want to do it in under 30 minutes that’s all I’m aiming at at the moment.

Last Run 2.2
Week: 2.2
Month: 32.9
Year: 187.79

Sunday, August 13, 2006

City 2 Surf

WOW 123 Minutes and 16 Seconds am so excited even though I am so tired I can barely move. I had a goal of finishing in under 140 minutes as I wanted to do better than 10 minutes per K. smashed that and averaged 8:39 per K so was very happy with my effort. It was a great day and even though I ran it by myself I had a lot of fun. It’s a really nice course and the atmosphere was amazing could not believe what I saw people running in some of the outfits I saw yesterday included.

About 20 guys in just Speedo’s
About 500 guys dressed as Fairies
4 guys in one costume (Loch Ness Monster)
One guy was dressed as a Giant Condom
About 50 girls in Bikini’s (They all got my vote for best costume).
A couple of people dressed as Chicken’s

Anyway now all I have to focus on is making sure I run this week. That thought right now is a scary one as I am very sore at the moment but I’ll go for a walk tomorrow and hopefully that will help and then I’ll attempt an easy run on Thursday.

Last Run 14.3
Month: 30.7Year: 185.59

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Need to Review before Posting

Well after Sundays run I was on a high and on Tuesday I almost flew out the door could not wait to start my run I mean 4K is an achievement and it means I am really starting to become a runner. Did the same loop around my house as I did on Sunday and even (for luck) had the same tee shirt on covered the distance in 25 minutes was so happy. Then as I was stretching in front of my house I looked at my garmin (Seline) I got quite a shock I’d only covered 3.2K couldn’t figure out the problem for I had covered the same distance as Sunday then I realised I’d not reset the trip on the garmin on Sunday so my warm up walk was included in the distance so I actually covered about 3.2K on Sunday not 4K was a little upset until I realised that I had covered the same distance in only 25 minutes only 2 days later was really happy after that. Also I had felt strong coming down my street so still had more in the tank I’m sure I could off gone for longer. Also I realised today that I sold myself short on my total distance covered in the year as I forgot to add the monthly and yearly totals together so please find below the accurate distances travelled so far. Looking back to when I started running on the 23 05 2006 I would jog 1 minute and walk 3 and could barely keep that up for the 20 minutes. Now am jogging at a nice pace for over 20 minutes can’t believe how much I have changed in the 11 weeks I have been running its crazy.

Last Run 3.2
Week: 3.2
Month: 16.4
Year: 171.29

Monday, August 07, 2006

Last Week

Well haven’t blogged for a bit so need to get everybody up to date.

Last Wednesday I walked to work which is 13.2K good training for the City 2 Surf. I rain the last 3K as well as I wanted to see if I could as I want to run the last leg of the C2S this weekend. Was a little slower than I normally run but felt like I could of keep going but once work was in site was too hard to force myself to run past it. Covered the distance in 2:25 minutes which I was really happy with as the fastest I’ve done it in the past is 2:45 minutes and I had an extra 900 meters to walk this time.

Fridays run unfortunately did not happen as I was too tired after working Thursday night to get up in the morning and then missed it in the afternoon as I went from work to the football. So ended up doing my boxing exercise when I got home which was quite late but okay.

Sunday Monday once again I missed my run hard to go up the coast with my wife so that put an end to running with Ray but when we got home I was determined to go for a run and it paid of. Out the door at about 5pm and straight into my warm up then into my run which was only suppose to be 20 minutes but felt really good so kept going and ended up running 4K in 28 minutes and 37 seconds which is the longest I have ever run EVER. So was on top of the moon yesterday.

Also have decided to scrap the posting of my weight as I have decided not to worry about it and focus more on my running and my ever shrinking body. So instead I’ll take an idea from my friends and post the distance I have travelled. Hopefully this will stop me jumping on the scales 3 times a day Just to check stupid and none productive.

Month: 13.2
Year: 154.9

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Make your Move

Well things last week didn’t go so well Tuesday was a really hard run and then on Friday ended up running out of time and missed my run. So had to do my boxing really late Friday night but still somehow I survived.

Luckily for Sunday morning otherwise I might of started to lose hope that I would ever be a runner. Ray and I have been running at Olds Park now for about 2 months and I have yet to run the whole 20 minutes I have done it a few times when I run near my house but have yet to complete 20 minutes at Olds Park. So we got there just after 7 on Sunday morning and went into our warm up (walking once around the park) and then we jogged. After about 2 minutes I new I was going to do it easy as I had missed Fridays run my legs felt great and I really enjoyed the run. It was a lot warmer than it’s been of late and was a really nice time to run without being to hot. We ended up running 2.81K in the 20 minutes and still had enough in the tank to sprint the last 200 meters to the car. Think Ray was a little tired from his race yesterday cause I was a little faster than him in the sprint which normally I get my @ss kicked.

Current weight 95 (need digital scales cause I reacon it was about 94.8 this morning but to hard to tell)

Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hit The Wall

Found last nights run very had to complete but it was my own stupid fault. I went out to hard and to fast, normally I travel at about 8Kph but last night I took of and when I looked at my GPS (Seline) I was going at over 9.5Kph and stupid me thought of well lets just see what happens. Man did I hit the wall at about the 8 minute mark I could barely move my legs it was so bad I almost fell over. I had never felt anything like it could barely draw a breath I have been tired in the past but not like this. I new then that I had to stop for a bit so walked for 1 minute and then tried to run again but was no good my feet were killing me that’s when I realised that my laces were too tight and my feet were throbbing. So stopped completely retired my shoes and then started of again managed to keep running for the last 12 minutes but at a very slow pace. I felt like a fool when I got home as I have been doing to well and have been so careful to pace myself can’t believe I threw everything I have learnt out the window last night DUMB DUMB DUMB. The only good thing that came out of last night was the fact that I now know what it’s like to hit the wall and hopefully if it happens in a race I won’t panic like I did last night. Also how dumb is it to tie your shoelaces so tight you feet hurt anyway now that’s behind me and looking forward to Fridays run hopefully things wont be as bad as I have two days to recover.

Current weight 95 (Finally the scales have started to move again)
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Monday, July 24, 2006


Well since I've been tagged here goes

4 Jobs:
Commonwealth Bank – Client Service Professional
K-Mart – Mini Lab Operator
Camera House – Photographic Salesman
Lone Star - Waiter

4 Movies I could watch over and over:
Gone with the Wind
Rocky 3
Empire Strikes Back
The Princess Bride

4 Places I have lived:
Picnic Point

4 TV shows I like:
The Simpson’s
Law and Order

4 Holidays:
South Coast
Great Britain

4 Web sites I look at daily:
Cool Runnings
Commbank homepage

4 places I'd rather be:

4 Favorite foods:
Roast Veggie’s
Wonton Soup
BBQ Prawns

4 bands I like:
Pink Floyd
Led ZeppelinMetallica
Pearl Jam

4 bloggers I tag:
Confessions of a running widow
Brown Eyed Girl
A Rebels Tale
Henry F Wookie

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Just Keep Running

My run on Thursday night did not happen as I found out I was working that morning when I got to work. The first run I have missed since I started but true to my word I ran on Friday night and it was a very good run managed to replicate my feat from Tuesday and ran the whole 20 minutes. Not sure if I’m up to the real enjoyment part yet as I am always really tired after a run but am starting to notice the changes I’m not as tired as I was 2 months ago when I get home and things are starting to get easier. It’s easier to get out the door for a run. It’s not taking as long to recover after a run. Even my wife is starting to come around at first she was a bit sceptical can’t say I blame her, I must of started 20 or 30 times of these get fit programs of mine have joined two gyms only to go once and never return. Have managed to keep up the running for 2 months now and she is even starting to notice the difference. No longer does she complain about me running more she pushes me to keep it up which is a good change. Went out on Saturday with all the young guys from work to “One World” a club in Parramatta was lots of fun but am a bit past night clubs and was very tired on Sunday morning when I was suppose to get up for my run. So had to go Sunday night was a good run but went out a little hard (I blame the music makes me run to fast) so I had to stop for 30 seconds at the 15 minute mark but that was my only stop so was proud of myself managing to just rest for 30 seconds and then jump back into it. Still even after stopping for 30 seconds still managed my best average speed 8.2kph my previous being 8.0kph I want to get that Really looking forward to this weekend as Ray is yet to run with me for the whole 20 minutes so want to show of my progress. My weight has been hanging in there for a while now but on the scales this morning it seemed as if it had dropped a little bit so can’t wait to my official weigh in on Wednesday hopefully I’ve drop a little bit as it’s hard to lug all this weight around for 20 minutes and losing a little bit is the easiest way to gain some speed.

Current weight 95.5
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

To End all Runs

My run on Tuesday night was by far my best run for the whole 20 minutes and it felt fantastic. It all happened like this.

Got home at 5:45 and headed straight up stairs to get changed, normally while I am doing this I decided my run/walk times for the run coming up. Always I think this is my downfall always decide before I walk out the door when I am going to stop running. So this time didn’t give myself the chance decided there and then that THIS time I was going to run the whole twenty minutes stopping wasn’t a option. So out the door I went and into my warm up. Was feeling really good in the legs and kind of knew that I was going to do it but still was a little scared that it would be to painful afterwards but put that out of my mind and after 10 minutes started to run. Now in my little circuit that I run around my house I have a hill in it right at the 8 minute mark and if I run the whole way I’m up it by the 10 minute mark but as yet always have stopped about half way up have yet to run the whole hill. But knew if I could make it up the hill I’m half way through the 20 minutes and the rest is downhill. So after 8 minutes running I reached the hill and rather than look to the top and see how far it is which is what I always do I just turned the music up and looked at my feet by the end of the song “lose yourself” I was up and over the hill and well on my way home. Things were looking really good and my legs didn’t feel to bad although I think my paced had slipped a little I was still running and not walking. After rounding the corner of my street I know I only had 400 meters to go so picked up the pace and powered home and just as I crossed my driveway I looked at the watch and realised still had 20 seconds to go before the 20 minutes so that God I had yet to stop and ran straight past my house. That was the hardest part right there having to keep going past my house I know it was only 20 seconds but it felt like a very long time. Now all I have to do I do it AGAIN. So since I am working tonight will be going out way to early in the morning tomorrow because I know I’m not going to have a chance to run on Friday afternoon.

Current weight 95.5 (I kid you not it’s still hanging in there)
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Catch Up

Sorry guys but haven’t posted anything for a while have been a little busy. Well I have 3 runs to catch up on so here goes.

Last Tuesdays run was at a very slow pace as I was very sore from the weekend but was very happy that I got out the door as my legs very really not in the mood. Once I had finished my warm up I was feeling a little better but still not 100% so kept it very slow but still managed to complete the 20 minutes without incedent.

Thursdays run did no happen as I was still sore and als my weight has been stable for 3 weeks now and at weight watches they were talking about being stuck on a weight and things you could do to get of it. One of them was alternate your exercise routine and since I have been doing exactly the same thing for 7 weeks thought it would be a good idea to change it up so did my old boxing exercises. Which consist of skipping, shadow boxing and push ups. Takes about 30 to 40 minutes so is a little longer than a run but not by much. Also was a good break on for the legs.

Finally Saturdays run was enjoyable but still felt a little flat and I am starting to get a little scared as this always happens when I start a new routine I eventually get bored and not stick to it. I have been running now for 7 weeks and I am starting to not enjoy it as much as I was at the beginning a little bit of it is the fact that I thought I would be up to running 20 minutes solid now but it’s taking longer than I thought and I seem to be going backwards the last couple of times I have run. I think the problem is more mental than physical because when I am running I really have to push myself hard not to stop even though I am not that puffed. So this week I have decided to once again mix it up and am going to run on Tuesday and do my boxing on the Thursday and hopefully that will get me through to when I can complete 20 minutes without stopping cause if I can get that under my belt I know things will start to move a little faster.

Current Weight 95.5 (Haven't weighed myself this week so hopefully it has changed)
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Finally Coming Together

My running is finally starting to come together my mate and I have been running at Olds Park on Saturday morning for the last 7 weeks. It is a circuit that runs for 1.2K I started out running 1 minute then walking for 3 and have slowly built it up. This last Saturday I finally ran around the whole thing without stopping. My Thursday run I covered 1.14K in 8 minutes 15 seconds but on Saturday I covered 1.22K in 7 minutes and 28 seconds also on Saturday the track is not flat had to run up a few small hills so was very happy with my effort Although I probably went out a bit to hard as I found it hard to complete the 20 minutes that we normally run. All in all I’m very happy how my running is going and look forward to the future when I can run faster and longer. Really sore at the moment had to break up a concrete path at my parents house yesterday and was using the jackhammer for hours yesterday so am in a lot of pain today. Hopefully it’s all gone by tomorrow as don’t want to skip my run.

Current Weight 95.5
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Forget All PB’S

Last nights run killed them all in fact it was so good I am comfortable in calling it a run not a jog. Got home at 5:30 and went straight upstairs and then straight out the door. Was planning on taking it easy last night as I want to go harder this Saturday than have previously but just felt to good legs didn’t hurt for the first time in ages. So after my warm up went into my RUN was felling good and strong so after my watched beeped at the two minute mark where I was suppose to walk for a minute I decided to just keep going for a little bit longer. Then my favourite running song came on the Ipod (Black Betty by Spiderbait) so just took of and kept going ran further than I ever had before and when I finally stopped which I think was more a mental thing than a physical thing I had run 1.14K and done it in just over 8 minutes was ecstatic. Only stopped two more times in the whole 20 minutes could believe how easily I ran last night I think I could of gone the whole 20 minutes but unfortunately my brain kept telling me that I’m not a runner I have a tendency to over think things so I Saturday I will try not to think so much.

Total Run Time 20:00
Running Time 16:02
Walking Time 3:58

Current Weight 95.5 (Hanging in there but hopefully soon should drop below 95)
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Monday, July 03, 2006

Tuesday Run

Man it was hard to get out of bed this morning, I am doing the late shift today at work so wont get out til after 8 so had to go for a run this morning. Was very cold and was raining so when the alarm went of a 7am for me to get up was no surprise that it was quickly thrown across the room and back to sleep I went. Finally dragged my arse out of bed at around 8:45 and tried to think of a thousand reasons not to go running in the rain but in the end I knew I would feel bad if I didn’t so got dressed and out the door I went.

Once again just decided to jog for as long as I could and then just limit my walking breaks to 90 seconds. Started out alright even though I was wearing a rain coat as it was coming down quite hard it was very hot wearing the jacket but keep up my pace and was really surprised when I stopped for the first time as I had jogged for over 6 minutes. 6 minutes and 8 seconds to be precise felt on top of the moon and was soon jogging along singing to Pink Floyd (This time I was listening to “The Wall” Disc one). All in all it was a good jog although my feet hurt a little at the end as it was the most I have run since starting but they are fine now. Going to take it easy on Thursday to give them a rest as hopefully on Saturday I can go a little harder with Ray.

Today’s Run.

Total Run Time 21:05
Running Time 14:53
Walking Time 6:12

Current Weight 95.5
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Run for Yourself

Went to the football yesterday and watched the Dogs smash the Tigers but still enjoyed the game. Then got home at around 5:30pm and yes I once again failed to get up in the morning. Also I had missed my Saturday morning run as my legs were still very sore. So I knew that I had to go for a run last night so forced myself up the stairs got changed and then out the door. That’s the hard part over once I am out the door and have my Ipod on I’m happy and I really start to enjoy myself. I have been using the same play list for a while now so last night decided to listen to some Pink Floyd instead I picked “Wish you Were Here”. My friend and I are still fighting over which Pink Floyd album is there best he thinks its “Dark Side of the Moon”. Which many believe is the greatest rock album ever released. I on the other hand believe that “Wish you Were Here” is there greatest work ever. You can make up your own mind so out the door I was and after the debacle on Thursday night I was determined to not do any more damage. So I warmed up for more than 20 minutes normally only do 10. Then into my jog also I have reset my watch so I can time how long of the 20 minutes I am jogging and how long I am walking. So after 20 minutes which just seemed to fly by I have run for 14 minutes and 23 seconds. I only walked 5 minutes and 37 seconds. I am very happy with that because I ran for well over 5 minutes before I needed to stop which I was just over the moon. Also there is a small hill on my normal circuit around my house that I always seem to come too just as my walking period is coming up. But as I warmed up for longer I cam to it a lot faster and I ran up the whole hill about 300 meters doesn’t seem long but it’s hard on the legs. So all in all I am doing well and hopefully it won’t be to long before I can jog for the whole 20 minutes then things will start to happen.

Current Weight 95.5 (Hard to read as they are analogue scales but it did read below 96 finally cracked it this morning).

Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Thursday, June 29, 2006

When will it stop

My run on Thursday night was not as enjoyable as it should have been. I jogged for over 5 minutes which is the longest I have managed to jog for ever. Unfortunately I was pressed for time and could not do a proper warm up and am paying for it now. My legs are very sore and really I know that it is my fault but still have a smile on my face as I probably had the best run I have had yet. I just hope it doesn’t effect tomorrows run as I don’t want to skip it as I will not be able to run again until Tuesday.

Current Weight 96 (Still at 96 but glad it is not going up).
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Best Yet

Wow my best run yet, got home at 6:45 and was not feeling in the best mood but still was looking forward to my run. Got out the door just after 7 pm and went straight into my warm up walk. I walk for 10 minutes or two songs on my Ipod then I start to run. Was feeling good and the soreness that has been in my legs the last couple of days was not present so I decided to reproduce Saturdays run of going for as long as possible and then when I have to stop just walk for 90 seconds before running again. So at the 10 minute mark of took of at my rather slow pace just wanted to build up my running time at the moment before I work on speed and left really good ran for what felt like 2 minutes before I needed to stop for a walk break looked at m stop watch and I had gone for 4 minutes and 7 seconds could not believe it the longest I have ran since starting was over the moon after that it was all to easy. For the rest of the 20 minutes only needed to stop 3 more times which means I ran for 14 minutes of the total 20 only walk for 6 minutes. Unbelievable started out running for 5 minutes and in 5 weeks have gone to basically walking for the 5 minutes and running the rest. Felt so good when I got home just couldn’t sit still wanted to go for longer and probably could of but kept hearing all those voices in my head telling me to slow down and not push myself to hard. Was sore in the legs but didn’t care afterwards was a little worried as the soreness in my legs hung around for a bit and was scared I’d pushed to hard already. When I woke up the morning felt awesome my legs were fine so don’t think there is anything wrong at all in fact felt like I could run today but once again forced myself to stick to my program and just walk today. Will be running tomorrow morning as am busy in the night my first weekday morning run in to weeks so I hope I can get out of bed have enjoyed sleeping in. Was scared I wouldn’t run this week as am not running with Ray on Saturday and could of justified have a day of but so far have managed to stay focused.

Current Weight 96
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Monday, June 26, 2006

Run Forest Run

Well Saturdays run went very well Ray and I have both decided to concentrate more on the distance and the length of time we are running than on our speed. Trying to build a solid base something we can both really build on. So on Saturday we decided to run for as long as I could and then if I had to stop rest for 90 seconds (walking) and then run again for as long as I could. Going at the slower pace I found it a lot easier to keep up the running we ran for almost 3 minutes the first run. Considering I could barely walk the twenty minutes 5 weeks ago I can’t believe that I am know making it through the whole 20 minutes and running for maybe half of that it’s quite amazing. Then on the last lap which is just a slow walk to stretch the legs Ray always pushes me to run the last 200 to 300 meters just to make sure I’ve given everything I can. So started to jog and then decided to go a little harder and we ended up sprinting to the end of the track. It was a great way to end it as I felt really good the whole day it’s been a long time since I was able to sprint and it felt good.

Ray unfortunately could not make a walk on the Sunday morning so I just walked the streets around my house. Was a very nice morning to be out and I always enjoy being outdoors in the morning as it’s really quite where we are so its very rarely I see another person. My legs weren’t felling as tired as last week and I was starting to get a little itchy and wanted to run. But decided to not push myself and just walk for the time being. I know it want be to long and I will be running everywhere.

Current Weight 96
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hard Run

Found last nights run to be the hardest I have done so far. Didn’t get home until after 6 so was very tired, also my wife was really hungry and wanted me to cook dinner straight away. Managed to hold her of with a packer of chips from the pantry and also managed to force myself upstairs and get changed into my running gear. Out the door just after 6:30 and into my warm up for the first time actually felt like a runner. Unfortunately it was not to last. Started out okay just going easy run for 1 walk for 2 after each run I wasn’t out of breath like I have been of late but was having trouble completing the minute due to the fact my legs hurt quit a lot. Think they were still sore from me pushing so hard on Saturday. Half way through all I wanted to do was stop running first time I have ever just wanted to chuck the whole thing in and just go home. I have being running now for four weeks which is the longest I have managed to keep up an exercise program since I have put this weight on. So I gritted my teeth and pushed on and actually started to feel better the longer it went on with two and a half minutes to go I was about 400 meters from home so pushed on and ran the last stretch home. Was completed buggered by the time I got there but had managed to ran the whole way. I wanted to scream from the roof about what I had done you would think I had just ran a marathon by the smile on my face not 400 meters. However it was my first mental challenge as a runner and it felt great that I had survived it. Looking forward to my run tomorrow morning and hopefully I can look forward to another nice run.

Current Weight 96 (can’t believe it)
Starting Weight 101

Goal 77

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

To Run or Not to Run

Was getting up way to early yesterday morning to even think about running in the morning. So I knew I would be going for a run last night this also being my first night run I was more than a little scared that I would just get home and be too tired to go for a run. Got home at about 5:45 and fluffed around for about 15 minutes trying to come up with an excuse not to run (use to be really good at this but of late am getting better at not listening to myself). So out the door by 6:00 and of I went. I must admit once I had started the run I really enjoyed myself, I love running and it was a really nice night and it’s such a joy to get outside and give yourself not only time to exercise but also time to think and reflect on the days events. Even though my Ipod was blaring away I could still feel my mind winding down and was very relaxed by the time I got home. Wasn’t my fastest run ever but I think it was my most enjoyable.

Current Weight 97 (WOOHOO)Starting Weight 101.4Goal 77

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Our Saturday Run/Walk/Crawl.

Got up at 6:20 to get to Ray’s house at 6:45 for our run, it’s starting to get easier to get up in the mornings for the run. The first week could barely crawl out of bed. Was a good morning and Ray sets a tough pace for the run (not fare he has longer legs). We have being running for 1 minute and walking for 3 for the last couple of weeks but then on Saturday we ran 1 and walked for 2. My legs were killing by the end of it and my pace had slowed down a little on the last run for the 20 minutes but managed to complete the 20 minutes. We also went for a walk on the Sunday morning which was good to stretch out my legs and it really helped to get the soreness out of them so I am looking forward to my run tomorrow morning going to try the run 1 walk 2 tomorrow as well I hope I can keep up the pace for the whole 20 minutes. Also I have been really good with my food intake this week so I am looking forward to Weight Watches on Wednesday night as I believe I will be in for some good news.

Current Weight 98
Starting Weight 101.4

Goal 77

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sounded like a good idea at the time

Recently and friend and I have decided it would be a good idea to start running, first let me give you some background. I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to lose weight for some time and as I am getting closer the 30 than I would like to admit I feel that it is starting to get life threatening being over weight (roughly 25 kilos). There is a lot of history in my family of heart attacks so I think it’s time to lose the weight before. My friend Ray and I play D&D every Monday night ( I know I’m a geek but can’t help it) and 3 weeks ago we decided that we would compete in a Race next January 26th distance 4K and that we would train together every weekend leading up to the race. So for the last 3 Saturdays I have risen very early in the morning and gone for a 20 minute walk/run with Ray. Things have been going well and I am finding it easier every week, also I have started running during the week as well but I go a little easier during the week, Ray unfortunately set’s a very fast pace due to the fact that he is quite taller than me so has longer legs. I have found a new love though as I have really started to enjoy my runs in the morning. Also have lost a little over two Kilo’s since we started to run so hopefully this will put an end to my Fat Ass. My wife has also been encouraging me a lot and on Monday this week forked out the money for a new pair of Asics running shoes which has the world of difference was running in a pair of $20.00 Dunlop’s that were two sizes to big so had very sore feet after each run.

Current Weight = 98
Starting weight = 101.4

Goal = 77